Smooth back


Slouching, asymmetry and convexity of the shoulder blades, sagging in the lower back, extended forward neck, tucked shoulders – this is not the whole list of back problems that many children have. The task of the responsible parent is to correct the child’s posture in childhood, before the skeletal growth period is over, in order to avoid irreparable changes in the future. This course will help you correct existing and prevent the development of new posture disorders in children.



What do you get?

  • Correction of valgus.
  • A beautiful, straight posture.
  • Symmetrical position of the shoulders.
  • A tauter stomach.
  • A straighter neck.
  • Lowered shoulders.

As a result, you will have a set of safe exercises that your child can do regularly to correct stooping and other posture disorders at home, without going to a specialist.


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